Saturday, May 11, 2013

Mitosis and Cell (Self) Division

After almost 28 years of existence, I believe the time has come for my 'Cellf' division or My-tosis. Time to move away from the family cocoon and time to forget about all the attention that I used to demand from my parent cells. Well, yes, it is already too late to move away from family. But, when I think about it, this whole thing of moving away from family seems to have some coincidence with the process of cell division which is constantly occurring in nature. Here's a small explanation and comparison.

The steps of mitosis in nature:

1. Interphase - Replication of DNA.
2. Prophase -  Nuclear membrane disintegrates. Chromosome visible. Centrioles move to opposite poles of the cell.
3. Metaphase - Spindle fibres attach themselves to centromeres.
4. Anaphase - Spindle fibres shorten and centromere splits, separating the sister chromatids.
5. Telophase - Spindle fibres disintegrate and nuclear membrane forms around the new chromosomes.

and finally begins the process of cell division - the Cytokinesis.

Now, comparing it to human life:

1. Interphase - Replication of parents' behavior, characters, etc. This process begins in childhood.

2. Prophase - Whatever held us together with our parents (Nuclear membrane), now begins to disintegrate and what we really are (Chromosomes) begins to be visible. Our opinions about life (Centrioles) moves to the opposite poles of the cell (home). This process begins and continues throughout the teenage years.

3. Metaphase - Now when a lot of difference in opinion arises between us and our parents, the feelings of love (Spindle Fibres) attach themselves to someone in the opposite sex, our new found love (Centromeres). This process occurs during the late teenage years.

4. Anaphase - The feeling of love (Spindle Fibres) towards our parents, shortens and our new found love (Centromeres) now begins to separate us from our parents. This process occurs during the early 20s.

5. Telophase - The feeling of love (Spindle Fibres) with our parents now disintegrates and new capsule (nuclear membrane) forms around the new lovers (Chromosomes).

and finally begins the process of Self Division (Cytokinesis) from home...

It is really interesting to note that, whatever happens on the outside, on a gross scale is already happening inside our own body in a molecular scale. Like they say in Arabic, maktub, it's all written, already. We just have to look deep within ourselves. Now this is literally looking deep within ourselves. Too deep. Very deep.

So that's all for today and that's too much of thinking (and reading) already!


Picture credits: The Internet.

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